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Your Gateway to Health



Panchakarma Treatment is a set of five therapeutic treatments administered to the patient for the complete detoxification of the body. According to Ayurveda, the detoxification of the body is essential before undergoing any other major treatment. Even for healthy people, it is recommended to undergo this treatment once every five years to get rid the body of all the impurities and chemical toxins it accumulates over the years. In some cases, Panchakarma treatment alone can cure many chronic diseases that will not require any further treatments afterwards.


Rasayana or rejuvenation is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy to restore the body’s vitality to its fullest capacity. It is defined as any herb, food, or activity which bestows youthfulness and cures disease. If taken in a proper way, Rasayana helps maintain youthfulness and keeps you fit both physically and mentally for many years. In ancient India, people who used this therapy lived to be over a hundred years old. Rasayana therapy makes you feel young and energetic, improves skin condition and glow, improves sleep quality, memory and concentration, clears the voice, improves the capacities of the sense organs – eyes, nose, tongue, ears and sexual organs, the body’s immunity is increased to resist any common diseases and last but not least, improves the body’s strength and brings calmness to the mind.



According to Ayurveda, our inability to deal with stress is due to an imbalance, or lack of coordination of the 3 main mental functions: Dhi (learning), Dhriti (retention) and Smriti (long-term memory), and a lack of Ojas energy in the body. The Stress Management Program is aimed at relieving the stress accumulated over the years, and increasing the body’s level of Ojas by achieving proper hormonal balance and reinforcing mental potency to better cope with stress in the future.

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According to Ayurveda, being overweight or underweight is due to an imbalance in the 3 Doshas: Vata, Pitt and Kapha. Improper digestion or improper metabolism due to excessive Kapha and Ama is at the root of the problem. However, obesity can also be found in Vata and Pitta dominant people. These types can suffer from poor digestion if their digestive fire is too low. The Ayurvedic approach to achieving your ideal weight is based on taking a realistic look at your body type and restoring the entire digestive and metabolic processes. A low calorie diet and regular yoga is also essential throughout this process.


According to Ayurveda main reason for gynaecological problem is vata dushti , le mainly apana vayu. We do Apanavayu correction by internal medicines and different basties. Main reason for female infertility is Polycystic ovarian disease. It is a hormonel imbalance. which is easily cured with ayurvedic panchakarma therapies.


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Yoga is a science that has been practised for thousands of years and aims to master the body, mind and soul and live a life of harmony and peace. Imagine having a perfectly healthy body and mind, both functioning at their optimal capacity – no sickness, no disease, no stress – that’s what yoga can do for any human being at any stage of life.



Holistic medicine is a broad range of practices based on generations of tradition. After a single session, you’ll start to see changes to your body, mind and energy levels. Contact me to find out more.


According to Ayurveda, the monsoon season is the best season for rejuvenation therapies that strengthen the body, for the atmosphere is dust-free, humid and cool. Moreover, the body is most receptive to herbal oils and therapies during the monsoon, as this is when its pores are open to their maximum extent. These favourable conditions accelerate healing and restore the body’s vitality, health and balance.

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